Results for 'S. R. Jaarsma'

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  1.  22
    Two cases of nursing older nursing home residents during COVID-19.Pier Jaarsma, Petra Gelhaus & My Eklund Saksberg - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (2-3):256-267.
    Introduction Two ethical challenges of nursing home nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden are discussed in this paper. Background Historically, the nurse’s primary concern is for the person who is ill, which is the core of nurses’ moral responsibility and identity. In Sweden, person-centered care is generally deemed important in nursing older nursing home residents. Objective To chart moral responsibilities of nursing home nurses in two cases involving older residents during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden. Methods We used Margaret (...)
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    Human capabilities, mild autism, deafness and the morality of embryo selection.Pier Jaarsma & Stellan Welin - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):817-824.
    A preimplantation genetic test to discriminate between severe and mild autism spectrum disorder might be developed in the foreseeable future. Recently, the philosophers Julian Savulescu and Guy Kahane claimed that there are strong reasons for prospective parents to make use of such a test to prevent the birth of children who are disposed to autism or Asperger’s disorder. In this paper we will criticize this claim. We will discuss the morality of selection for mild autism in embryo selection in a (...)
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    Autism, Accommodation and Treatment: A Rejoinder to Chong‐Ming Lim's Critique.Pier Jaarsma & Stellan Welin - 2015 - Bioethics 29 (9):684-685.
    We are very grateful to Chong-Ming Lim for his thoughtful reply published in this journal on one of our articles, which motivated us to think more carefully about accommodating autistic individuals and treating autism. However we believe there are some confusions in Lim's argument. Lim uses the accommodation thesis, according to which we should accommodate autistic individuals rather than treat autism, as the starting point for his reasoning. He claims that if the accommodation thesis is right, then we should not (...)
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  4. Rethinking the Secular in Feminist Marriage Debates.Ada S. Jaarsma - 2010 - Studies in Social Justice 4 (1):47-66.
    The religious right often aligns its patriarchal opposition to same-sex marriage with the defence of religious freedom. In this article, I identify resources for confronting such prejudicial religiosity by surveying two predominant feminist approaches to same-sex marriage that are often assumed to be at odds: discourse ethics and queer critical theory. This comparative analysis opens up to view commitments that may not be fully recognizable from within either feminist framework: commitments to ideals of selfhood, to specific conceptions of justice, and (...)
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  5. Kierkegaard, Despair and the Possibility of Education: Teaching Existentialism Existentially.Ada S. Jaarsma, Kyle Kinaschuk & Lin Xing - 2015 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 35 (5):445-461.
    Written collaboratively by two undergraduate students and one professor, this article explores what it would mean to teach existentialism “existentially.” We conducted a survey of how Existentialism is currently taught in universities across North America, concluding that, while existentialism courses tend to resemble other undergraduate philosophy courses, existentialist texts challenge us to rethink conventional teaching practices. Looking to thinkers like Kierkegaard, Beauvoir and Arendt for insights into the nature of pedagogy, as well as recent work by Gert Biesta, we lay (...)
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    Nocebos and the Psychic Life of Biopower.Ada S. Jaarsma & Suze G. Berkhout - 2019 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 23 (2):67-93.
    “Nocebo,” a term coined in the mid-twentieth century, refers to the onset of negative side effects in individuals who anticipate harm from biomedical treatment. Sylvia Wynter invokes nocebo effects as racializing phenomena that demonstrate the injurious impact of colonial practices. By soliciting insights from Nocebo Studies, as well as Wynter and Achille Mbembe, this article explores decolonial philosophies of selfhood, especially in terms of the meaning-making expressivity of selves. This conversation between Nocebo Studies and Wynter proffers ways to engage with (...)
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  7. Habermas' Kierkegaard and the Nature of the Secular.Ada S. Jaarsma - 2010 - Constellations 17 (2):271-292.
    This article reconstructs Habermas’ normative program for the successful and mutually beneficial co-existence of the religious and the non-religious, looking especially at his reliance upon a particular translation of Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard himself wrote as a self-described Christian, or at least as someone invested in the possibilities of Christian existence, and so it is instructive to examine how Habermas, an admittedly non-religious thinker, renders Kierkegaard’s project. As I argue below, the specific ways in which Habermas employs Kierkegaard’s thought demonstrates what Habermas (...)
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    Kierkegaard, Biopolitics and Critique in the Present Age.Ada S. Jaarsma - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (7):850-866.
    This essay examines the relevance of Kierkegaard’s analysis of “the present age” for our own age, focusing specifically on the existential implications of neoliberalism and biopolitics. By examining the significance of Kierkegaard’s view of ethical and religious existence-stages, I argue that his concerns about leveling and despair bear directly upon pressing problems concerning sexuality, identity, and political exclusions. Kierkegaard becomes an ally of contemporary critical theory, and, in this alliance, Kierkegaard’s religious existentialism foregrounds the spiritual or religious dimensions of our (...)
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  9.  23
    The ideology of the normal: Desire, ethics, and Kierkegaardian critique.Ada S. Jaarsma - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 85--104.
    According to recent scholarship within queer theory, heterosexuality maintains itself as a class by employing its epistemological authority for identifying and defining homosexuals. Heterosexuality is thus an ideological abstraction that privileges those with social and material advantages, rather than an accurate description of the actual, and thus heteronormative descriptions of sexuality correspond to Charles W. Mills’ description of ideal-as-idealized theory. Since ideological arguments cannot be overturned simply by appeals to rational debate, to what can we turn to subvert the sense (...)
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  10.  7
    Kierkegaard After the Genome: Science, Existence and Belief in This World.Ada S. Jaarsma - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book brings Søren Kierkegaard's nineteenth-century existentialist project into our contemporary age, applying his understanding of "freedom" and "despair" to science and science studies, queer, decolonial and critical race theory, and disability studies. The book draws out the materialist dimensions of belief, examining the existential dynamics of phenomena like placebos, epigenetics, pedagogy, and scientific inquiry itself. Each chapter dramatizes the ways in which abstractions like "race" or "genes" and even "belief" are sites of contested practices with pressing political significance. Focusing (...)
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  11. Irigaray's To Be Two: The Problem of Evil and the Plasticity of Incarnation.Ada S. Jaarsma - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (1):44-62.
    Increasingly, feminist theorists, such as Alison Martin and Ellen T. Armour, are attending to the numerous religious allusions within texts by Luce Irigaray. Engaging with this scholarship, this paper focuses on the problematic of evil that is elaborated within Irigarayan texts. Mobilizing the work of Catherine Malabou, the paper argues that Malabou's methodology of reading, which she identifies as "plastic," illuminates the logic at work within Irigaray's deployment of sacred stories.
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    Fleabag’s Pedagogy of the Gimmick.Ada S. Jaarsma - 2021 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):90-104.
    As a work of art, the show Fleabag prompts differing kinds of judgements by critics. But as a project that reflects life in capitalist society, its gimmickry models the existentially fraught dynamics of despair. Informed by Sianne Ngai’s Theory of the Gimmick, this article explores three sets of gimmicks in relation to despair, where each holds differing pedagogical stakes for viewers: being alone; being a bad feminist; being smitten with a priest. Gimmickry, as a technique within the show, puts viewers (...)
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  13.  60
    Empirical Philosophy and Eating in Theory.Annemarie Mol & Ada Jaarsma - 2023 - Symposium 27 (1):189-211.
    This interview, conducted over email, is an exchange between Annemarie Mol, a philosopher and Professor of Anthropology of the Body at the University of Amsterdam, and Ada Jaarsma, associate editor of Symposium. While the questions reflect Jaarsma’s interests in Mol’s account of “empirical philosophy” and its import for contemporary Continental philosophy, Mol’s responses raise questions, in turn, about how phrases like “Continental philosophy” betray geographical and canonical presumptions. Reflecting on the import of wonder, of reading, of intervening in (...)
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  14.  81
    Kierkegaard, Metaphysics and Political Theory: Unfinished Selves. By AlisonAssiter. New York: Continuum, 2009.The Neither/Nor of the Second Sex: Kierkegaard on Women, Sexual Difference, and Sexual Relations. By CélineLéon. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Pr. [REVIEW]Ada S. Jaarsma - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (4):922-928.
  15.  14
    Editorial Introduction: Judgement and Embodiment.Ada S. Jaarsma and Alexis Shotwell - 2014 - PhaenEx 9 (2):i-v.
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    Ethical challenges around thirst in end-of-life care –experiences of palliative care physicians.Maria Friedrichsen, Caroline Lythell, Nana Waldréus, Tiny Jaarsma, Helene Ångström, Micha Milovanovic, Marit Karlsson, Anna Milberg, Hans Thulesius, Christel Hedman, Anne Söderlund Schaller & Pier Jaarsma - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-10.
    Background Thirst and dry mouth are common symptoms in terminally ill patients. In their day-to-day practice, palliative care physicians regularly encounter ethical dilemmas, especially regarding artificial hydration. Few studies have focused on thirst and the ethical dilemmas palliative care physicians encounter in relation to this, leading to a knowledge gap in this area. Aim The aim of this study was to explore palliative care physicians’ experiences of ethical challenges in relation to thirst in terminally ill patients. Methods A qualitative interview (...)
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  17. Encounters with Deleuze.Constantin V. Boundas, Daniel W. Smith & Ada S. Jaarsma - 2020 - Symposium 24 (1):139-174.
    This interview, conducted over the span of several months, tracks the respective journeys of Constantin V. Boundas and Daniel W. Smith with the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. Rather than “becoming Deleuzian,” which is neither desirable nor possible, these exchanges reflect an array of encounters with Deleuze. These include the initial discoveries of Deleuze’s writings by Boundas and Smith, in-person meetings between Boundas and Deleuze, and the wide-ranging and influential philosophical work on Deleuze’s concepts produced by both Boundas and Smith. At (...)
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  18. The introduction to the Critique: framing the question.R. Lanier Anderson - 2010 - In Paul Guyer, The Cambridge Companion to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  19.  57
    Mithras R. Merkelbach: Mithras. Pp. xvi + 412; 169 illustrations on 132 plates. Königstein: Anton Hain, 1984. DM 238.S. R. F. Price - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (02):230-231.
  20.  17
    The Philebus and the art of persuasion.R. F. Stalley - 2010 - In Plato’s Philebus: Selected Papers From the Eighth Symposium Platonicum. pp. 227-236.
  21. Principles of mechanisms.R. O. Gandy - 1980 - In Stephen Cole Kleene, Jon Barwise, H. Jerome Keisler & Kenneth Kunen, The Kleene Symposium: proceedings of the symposium held June 18-24, 1978 at Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A. New York: sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland.
  22. An early insight into the affect-perception interface.R. B. Zajonc - 1994 - In Paula M. Niedenthal & Shinobu Kitayama, The Heart's Eye: Emotional Influences in Perception and Attention. Academic Press.
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  23. Butler on self-love and benevolence.R. G. Frey - 1992 - In Christopher Cunliffe, Joseph Butler's moral and religious thought: tercentenary essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 243--67.
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  24. Vegetables of the world unite! : grassroots internationalization of disabled citizens in the post-war period.Monika Baár - 2021 - In Jessica Reinisch & David Brydan, Europe's internationalists: rethinking the history of internationalism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  25. Meeting the objectives of business ethics education: The Marriott School model and agenda for utilizing the complete collegiate educational experience.R. Agle Bradley, A. Thompson Jeffery, W. Hart David, L. Wadsworth Lori & Aaron Miller - 2011 - In Charles Wankel & Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, Management education for integrity: ethically educating tomorrow's business leaders. North America: Emerald.
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  26. Aesthetic.R. G. Collingwood - 1927 - In J. S. McDowall, The Mind: A Series of Lectures Delivered in King's College, London. Longmans, Green. pp. 214-244.
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    Natural, Unnatural, and Preternatural Motions: Contrariety and the Argument for the Elements in De caelo 1.2–4.R. J. Hankinson - 2009 - In Alan C. Bowen & Christian Wildberg, New Perspectives on Aristotle’s De Caelo. Brill. pp. 117--83.
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    Shooting the Enlightenment: a brave new era for Carlyle?R. Jessop - 2010 - In Paul E. Kerry, Thomas Carlyle Resartus: Reappraising Carlyle's Contribution to the Philosophy of History, Political Theory, and Cultural Criticism. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. pp. 62-84.
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    Some Comments on DeMorgan, Peirce, and the Logic of Relations.R. M. Martin - 1976 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 12 (3):223 - 230.
  30. Inventing a classroom conversation.R. F. Reed - 1992 - In Ann Margaret Sharp, Ronald F. Reed & Matthew Lipman, Studies in philosophy for children: Harry Stottlemeier's discovery. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. pp. 158--164.
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    Commentary on "Epistemology as Hypothesis".R. W. Sleeper - 1990 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26 (4):435 - 442.
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    What Is Metaphysics?R. W. Sleeper - 1992 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 28 (2):177 - 187.
  33. Intellectual virtues: An essay in regulative epistemology * by R. C. Roberts and W. J. wood.R. Roberts & W. Wood - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):181-182.
    Since the publication of Edmund Gettier's challenge to the traditional epistemological doctrine of knowledge as justified true belief, Roberts and Wood claim that epistemologists lapsed into despondency and are currently open to novel approaches. One such approach is virtue epistemology, which can be divided into virtues as proper functions or epistemic character traits. The authors propose a notion of regulative epistemology, as opposed to a strict analytic epistemology, based on intellectual virtues that function not as rules or even as skills (...)
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    (1 other version)Religious Commitment and Secular Reason.S. R. L. Clark - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (206):134-137.
    Many religious people are alarmed about features of the current age - violence in the media, a pervasive hedonism, a marginalization of religion, and widespread abortion. These concerns influence politics, but just as there should be a separation between church and state, so should there be a balance between religious commitments and secular arguments calling for social reforms. Robert Audi offers a principle of secular rationale, which does not exclude religious grounds for action but which rules out restricting freedom except (...)
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    Responsibilities in international research: a new look revisited.S. R. Benatar & P. A. Singer - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4):194-197.
    Following promulgation of the Nuremberg code in 1947, the ethics of research on human subjects has been a challenging and often contentious topic of debate. Escalation in the use of research participants in low-income countries over recent decades , has intensified the debate on the ethics of international research and led to increasing attention both to exploitation of vulnerable subjects and to considerations of how the 10:90 gap in health and medical research could be narrowed. In 2000, prompted by the (...)
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  36. Defending human dignity.Leon R. Kass - 2008 - In Adam Schulman, Human dignity and bioethics: essays commissioned by the President's Council on Bioethics. Washington, D.C.: [President's Council on Bioethics.
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  37. Deweys Empirical Theory of Knowledge and Reality.John R. Shook - 2000 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 37 (1):134-136.
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    Facilitated Ethics Conversations.Paul R. Helft, Patricia D. Bledsoe, Maureen Hancock & Lucia D. Wocial - 2009 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 11 (1):27-33.
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  39. Reflections.Douglas R. Hofstadter & Daniel C. Dennett - 1981 - In Douglas R. Hofstadter & Daniel Clement Dennett, The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul. New York: Basic Books.
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  40. An Introduction to Logic.Morris R. Cohen, Ernest Nagel & John Corcoran - 1994 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 30 (4):1064-1068.
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    Undergraduate Student Perceptions Regarding Cheating: Tier 1 Versus Tier 2 AACSB Accredited Business Schools.S. R. Premeaux - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (4):407-418.
    Cheating is fairly commonplace at both Tiers 1 and 2 AACSB accredited business schools. Distinct differences exist between Tiers 1 and 2 students with regard to cheating. Tier 1 students are more likely to cheat on written assignments, they believe sanctions impact cheating, and that a stigma is attached to cheating. Tier 2 students are more likely to cheat on exams, and nearly as likely to cheat on written assignments. Tier 2 students accept the notion that moral and ethical people (...)
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  42. Continued wilderness participation: Experience and identity as long-term relational phenomena.Jeffrey Brooks & Daniel R. Williams - 2012 - In David N. Cole, Wilderness visitor experiences: Progress in research and management; April 4-7, 2011 (pp. 21-36); Missoula, MT. Proceedings RMRS-P-66. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. pp. 21-36.
    Understanding the relationship between wilderness outings and the resulting experience has been a central theme in resource-based, outdoor recreation research for nearly 50 years. The authors provide a review and synthesis of literature that examines how people, over time, build relationships with wilderness places and express their identities as consequences of multiple, ongoing wilderness engagements (i.e., continued participation). The paper reviews studies of everyday places and those specifically protected for wilderness and backcountry qualities. Beginning with early origins and working through (...)
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  43. Reflections on Searle.Douglas R. Hofstadter - 1981 - In Douglas R. Hofstadter & Daniel Clement Dennett, The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul. New York: Basic Books.
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  44. The Ethical Function of the Gorgias' Concluding Myth.Nicholas R. Baima - 2024 - In J. Clerk Shaw, Plato's Gorgias: a critical guide. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The Gorgias ends with Socrates telling an eschatological myth that he insists is a rational account and no mere tale. Using this story, Socrates reasserts the central lessons of the previous discussion. However, it isn’t clear how this story can persuade any of the characters in the dialogue. Those (such as Socrates) who already believe the underlying philosophical lessons don’t appear to require the myth, and those (such as Callicles) who reject these teachings are unlikely to be moved by this (...)
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  45. FREY, R. G. "Interests and Rights: the case against animals". [REVIEW]S. R. L. Clark - 1982 - Mind 91:459.
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    Gerald R. McDermott Jonathan Edwards confronts the gods: Christian theology, enlightenment religion, and non-Christian faiths. (New York: Oxford university press, 2000). Pp. XII+245. £35.00 (hbk). ISBN 0195132742. [REVIEW][S. R. H.] - 2002 - Religious Studies 38 (1):123-124.
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  47. CARTON, R. -La synthèse doctrinale de Roger Bacon. [REVIEW]S. R. S. R. - 1926 - Mind 35:102.
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  48. Affects and passions.Patrick R. Frierson - 2014 - In Alix Cohen, Kant's Lectures on Anthropology: A Critical Guide. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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  49. IR.M. Sainsbury.R. M. Sainsbury - 1999 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 73 (1):243-269.
    [R. M. Sainsbury] Evans argued that most ordinary proper names were Russellian: to suppose that they have no bearer is to suppose that they have no meaning. The first part of this paper addresses Evans's arguments, and finds them wanting. Evans also claimed that the logical form of some negative existential sentences involves 'really' (e.g. 'Hamlet didn't really exist'). One might be tempted by the view, even if one did not accept its Russellian motivation. However, I suggest that Evans gives (...)
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    A History of Russian Philosophy.S. R. Seliga - 1955 - Philosophical Quarterly 5 (21):375.
    This set reprints volumes that were orginally published by Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd. in 1953. Landmark volumes at the time of their original publication, these titles do not merely expound the theoretical constructions of Russian philosophers, but also relate these constructions to the general conditions of Russian life. Volume One examines the historical conditions of the development of philosophy in Russia and explores the general features of Russian philosophy. It also surveys the principal works on the history of Russian (...)
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